Monday, June 23, 2008

The Evil Bitch

my faci is screwing with my head...

she is a total bitch oh-my-shigglewingledingdongbell.

WTF IS WRONG WITH HER AHHH. im like super sure she has something against me or something. she's after all such a bias shigglewingledingdongbell..

first she asks me to sign up for a trip.

so i sign up and wait for the confirmation email.

then she doesnt send me. people confirm im not selected. okay. im quite pissed already.

then there's supposed to be a briefing which i have no idea of because i did not receive the email and no one knows that i'm supposed to go either.

they see my name there.

she writes a bloody email demanding reasons! (sent to 5)

so that got my hopes up. hey. so im supposed to be inside. great. i'll tell her i didnt receive the email.. RIGHT...

THAT WHORE. NNBCCB. she sent to the other 4 people "I accept your reasons" and yay. they get to go.

She tells me.. oh well.. better luck next time applying for trips.


she wants me there, doesnt select me, demands a reason for my absence from a briefing i had no idea off, and tells me too bad.

wtf is wrong with that bias bitch.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finally. something almost interesting....

Today, i have finally something to blog about...

I was at the right place at the right time being the ultimate pro i was meant to be.

FINALLY! something interesting happened to my life.

Well, it all started at 6. I was walking home from the bus stop and WAHAHAHA. i saw this huge pile of mess that was being condorned off and cleared by the police. Upstairs, some idiots were shouting like crazy, except u cant hear wth they were shouting about. being the kaypo singaporean, i joined the whole chunk of kaypo singaporeans and stood there like idiots waiting for something to happen... WELL I MISSED THE SHOW. nothing happened. I stood there for 30mins waiting for a show. all i got was the mess on the floor -> a group of SCDF n police people going up there with a stretcher and that super huge lock breaker. didnt dare take pictures of the real deal at duty.

The blue circle's the flat. there was a group of SCDF and police ppl outside that area. so it was probably where it happened.

No one got stretchered, some guy got arrested but i didnt dare take pictures. There was this super cute ambulance jiejie with the doctor's scope around her neck. There was a keychain on it also. like SO CUTE? since when do doctors put little trinkets on their hearing scope thingy? And again. the humji me didnt dare take a photo of her. OMG.. im sure none of you would.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Damnnnnn.. Whats with school.

You get 2 weeks of holiday and u get 8 weeks of hell.

You can call this the calm before the storm.

Well.. afterall, life is not a bed of cotton.

I PERSONALLY do not understand why u use bed of roses. roses have thorns hello-o! what makes a bed of roses so comfortable? Sure they chase away that haggard ol'lady if u watch "Stay Alive".. but DAMN. unless you're into PAIN.. u go for a bed of roses.. COTTON FOR ME!

I side tracked alittle.. heh. but daammmm.. i dont want school. just the 2nd day and they give u a friggin test to try screw with your head. my brain juices haven't fully recovered from the holidays and im still in holiday mode. PLOP.. the dam test comes falling down in front of my poor tired face and the school expects...



Mon i stone. Tue (today) i slept.

im turning into mush.....



Monday, June 16, 2008

Writer's Block

i've got the writer's block. i have no idea what to post on. my life has been really boring.

i wake up
i switch on the com
i use the com like some retarded geek
i go sleep later at night...

but i still kinda like the holiday life. slack...

and i did not have my weekly dose of soccer.

im craving soccer. im craving the sun. im craving the ball. im craving to score.

hurray for euro. SPAIN all the way..

Friday, June 6, 2008

my gf is fucked up