Saturday, November 1, 2008

hai. i think i'm gonna fail my project. the stupid ASSesor kept asking me stupid questions like why i never do this why i never do that. Can't they use their brain to think? If can obviously i will do right? what makes them think that whatever i'm didn't do is even possible. how the hell am i supposed to get survey answers from editors and CEOs, they are just stupid. the small fry journalists dont even wanna reply my email already. i bet it's cause they see my email from rp then they heck care. afterall rp's such a screwed up school.

and fuck. i'm pissed off with expectations. you have your expectations i have mine. dont impose your expectations on me. i do what i feel is good enough, i know myself best cause i'm a genius. fucking retard facilitators dont know me well and want to impose their expectations on me. well a FUCKYOU to that. if i'm already the best in class and u give me a lousy grade cause i dont meet your expectations SO BE IT. cause this is retarded that u give someone a better grade for doing lousier than me but still meeting ur expectations or exceeding it. it's unfair. the class should be graded fairly and not biased. if so i rather u have low expectations of me cause i dont give a damn about this retarded school =D

anyways. i got a B for that fag's lesson. if you dont know which fag refer to the tiny faggot face 1 or 2 post below. well to recap.

lesson1 with him: i participated in class, answered question posted to the team, did my worksheet, presented quite well. a B or A i would say but i still get C. why? cause he said i did not meet his expectations.

lesson2 with him: i didnt talk, i played games the whole day, i slept during other team's presentation and i got a B. what comments the fucker gave me? Thanks for sharing in class. good work. blah blah.....

oh my 天.. how stupid can a person get? i dont know whether it's cause his expectations of me dropped (highly impossible since he's the kind of high expectations guy) or whether it's cause he felt guilty about last week (then give me an A u fucker) or better still, he did not even notice me! which could be the problem since i was totally invinsible.

oh wells... rp sucks. that's my opinion and you fuckers cant sue me for defamation - slander. woots! it's first hand info- purely comments. besides this blog is ment for frends only. if someone comes and see this, too bad. i did not INTENT for anyone other than friends to see this. so u see. NO CASE FOR YOU.

what does this say? that fag's expectation

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