Friday, August 15, 2008


My projected got rejected. AHAHA. I need to redo and resubmit. FUCK..

How am I gona get info on ST? Everything's so secret. sush sush..

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Dam. I hate PP.

This sickening personal profiling G902 module should just bite the dust. I have no idea why they want us to have this retarded module. Like why bother to profile a subject?

2000 word essay my fuck. What can you profile in 2000 words? You need like 20,000 words to profile something properly and in detail. This 2000 word crap is rubbish. It ought to be called Puberty Program. It's like going through puberty all over again with the fucking mood swings and frustrations you get at the lack of resources.

Anyways, the whole day today was supposed to be spend on the puberty fuck shit but I ended up being distracted. Shit man, I had to rush like a power dog for the rest of the night.

I'm taking a breather right now, from all that stress at my growing cock hair. (It's puberty remember?)

The executive summary we were supposed to have with our report could jolly well be the report itself, why should we have the in details part? After all, the executive summary is normally more read than the report itself. People want quick now of days. Sheehs. It's like telling someone "I'm gona fuck your ass" before saying: "here's what i'm gonna do, i'm gona take a condom, wear it and slowly insert it into your......" Get my point? The next part's pretty much REDUNDANT?

Then there's the trouble with the citation and referencing. Like WTF I'm suppose to almost reference every single shit information I have. What happened to general knowledge. I regreted picking that shit topic. I should have picked something like "You'll Never Walk Alone - A Study of Liverpool Football Club" Like YEAH! Instead of Potter's 5 forces, I could have something like Benitez's 5 Forces. Things like SWAT can be their football formations, their history and WTF. It would have been SO COOL. Argh damnit.

Well, I'll prolly finish up the shity puberty by 10+ tomorrow and become a real man.

Woots! Soccer Soccer Soccer!!!!!

I wrote this after 12 so to me, it's still considered 8th.

Fuck National Day - I don't feel Singaporean but I love this place nevertheless.
What's this place called again?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008



I was a zombie today for mary-ann's movie. lol.

Guess who I was fighting? KEAT - Ahbeng. LOL

That ahbeng was in his natural role.

He had to fight me the zombie. lol.

wootz. my face so white, eyes so black, lips so red. i dont know how this seems zombie

haha. the shit was fun anyways. i got like 4 cuts on my nose cause in that fighting scene, i had to jump on keat and fight with him. den he had to throw a dustbin basket on my head and smack me with a book. well the first take he hit from the top it was fine. 2nd take he wack the book right in my face and WTF. gone case. it wasnt pain but it was itchy. lol.. cant scratch

keat u fuck u disfigured me. ho ho

the thing was fun.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lets talk about Cabs


In today's Today, there was this article about cabbies being victims from abusive passangers.

Well, I find that stupid and retarded.

Firstly, screw the people who take cabs and hit the cabbie then run away. What's wrong with them! Run den run away la. What for you hit the cabbie. That is seriously stupid. Like the cabbies have it hard already with the super expensive fare that deters potential customers. Now they have people who hit cabbies on the rise, and even run away without paying. The world is seriously getting screwed up.

Everything in Singapore's on the rise anyways. Crimes like this cabbie punching thing, Prices of every single thing. Like Dam..... Food used to be cheap, in school canteens. Now it's normal.

Food courts used to be the cheaper solutions, now it's as expensive as fast food restaurants. Jeeze..

And then we come to the next topic on that KFC ad which I believe is TOTALLY STUPID.
Now cab fare so expensive.. and taxi fare come up to 5.95
HAHA WHAT RUBBISH. O wells.. post modernism advertisement arn't supposed to make sense.

anyways. im gona go take a dump.

byes! =D
It's my sis's b'day today

Happy Birthday Sister! lol.

I gave wanted to give her $10 but she didnt want. too bad lorh. hahas. i save money

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Well.. I love my Karen =D
I wonder...

What would you do, if your girlfriend has a baby
You're not even 20
You're still schooling
You're not working

I wonder...

Would you go for an abortion?
Would you keep the baby?

I wonder..

Why am I even wondering about such things?

I think I watch the news too much. All about the abortions, all about the younglings getting pregnant. Kewl Sheit..


I'm wondering. People say condoms are 97% efficient. Birth control pills are 99% efficient. So if you take birth control pills and put on a condom, does it mean 100% no babies?

But then again, since when is it 100%? Nothing's absolute in this world, that's for sure. Dr. Chris Woo (Mr Queer in your ass) has already explained. So, the question is, how do we prevent pregnancy for NOW?

There's no such thing as safe sex, only safer sex. Does that mean the fools who are using condoms now are idiots cause they are at risk of unwanted pregnancy? SHIT! Does that mean that people underage cannot have a regular sex life? lol. I find this super interesting. So even if we use protection - we still get kids. Meaning you could be a 14yr old idiot, fucking happily using a condom, having not a care in the world that ur partner or YOU could be getting pregnant and then one day, THE PERIOD DOES NOT COME! OMG!

There you go, the element of surprise. Hahahaha!

Sheesh.. Unless someone invents some protection that is 100% safe from pregnancy, I doubt pre-maritial sex's something that should be done, especially when we can't support a family.

Darn.. abortions. hai. =(

it's august already! ho ho.. a few more weeks to dear's b'day.

oh my.. wahha. im gona so surprise her for her b'day.
these few days keep telling her rubbish abt all the nonsense that i will be giving her den end up telling her IM JOKING. wahaha. build up the suspense for her. let her be so confused den when she see the present i giving her. she will faint! wahah. this is interesting shit


KEAT. LOL. u are a troublesome person. oh my mymymymymymy 天。。。

i give you my support. when u need someone to talk to. i'll be there for u. lol.. i cant help laughing la.

ur problems.. really so funny.

anyways. today's soccer was rubbish.
played streetsoccer since duno when. wahlao. there was no place to run. in that small tiny square with like 5 on each side. how the hell. and it was also super tiring i duno why. must keep running here n there to find place when the place is also rubbish. o wells..

changsong has a problem.which i think it's like.. how to solve?

i probably wont be able to understand as well as he can. afterall, who can see better than himself. all i can do is assure him nothing's wrong with his far far away happiness. lol. it'll probably come back to him like my bonnie. LOL.

Changsong. this is for you.

My Ting Ting lies over the Ocean
My Ting Ting lies over the Sea
My Ting Ting is now in New Zealand
Oh bring back my Ting Ting to me!

Bring back, Oh bring back!
Oh bring back my Ting Ting to me, to me!
Come back! Oh Come back!
Oh Ting Ting please come back SG!

Lol.. =D