Friday, February 27, 2009


It was a special day.

The game was a special game.

I felt that everyone did a very good job in whatever they were supposed to do.

Before the game everyone was pretty nervous since they said that the people we were supposed to be playing against were like "pros".

Still, apparently we were more pro.

I made stupid mistakes like startling the witch 2x for stupid reasons.

The first was I pressed the wrong button. Wanted to melee but clicked fire. Woots.

The second I had no idea why because I was just running past. Well I was the black man so I should have been properly hidden since the background was rather dark too. Dam witch.

Lets see. Bloodharvest they played with 3 people. 1 person handicap they say. "Still can win" LOL. WTF WIN MY ASS BITCH. IT WAS A TOTAL TRASHING. HAHAHA. LIKE OMGWTFBBQ HAHAHAHHAHA.

WTF THE SCORE! 3000++ vs. 500-800++ that was more than 3x better woots.

like holyshit i'm super happy right now. expect a super hard game and end up the game fucking easy. THey even cheated for faster and more spawns but wtf? got use? OH NO. we still win. EVERY SINGLE MAP WE WIN.


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