Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Tomorrow's BTT AGAIN.

Somehow, I know that I basically know everything and I did keat's 300qns like 3x alrdy that I can almost memorise the answers. Still, there's this naggin feeling that I'ld fail it again.

Holy shit. This is really bad. I've never felt so not confident of something I'm supposed to be confident in. Well I suppose this is not like canoeing where I know I shouldn'd win but I win. Now it's the opposite. LOL. I know I should pass but I'm freaking gonna fail. God help me.

Anyways. I had this dream on Mon. Almost got me late for school.

The dream was fucking cool anyways. It was L4D Singapore. LOL. Okay basically the dream started with the infection. People dropping dead here and there. Anyways it started in Woodlands and Tuas area, blame the Malaysians. Den we were like safe in the east for awhile. Until one day fucking hell. I was in the lift den I realised my block tio infected already, luckily only abit. Den this infected got into my lift to cut the story short. I killed him and ran into my house. FUCK, den there was this hunter camping me and I almost died. Luckily I got into my house. Den I duno what happen the dream fast forward until I was at TM with Jon Yx n Mary and I fucking woke up. Anyways the dream was cool cause besides the weapons there was like fire extinguisher. Sprayed right in the fucking boomer's mouth before I woke up to go to schoo. (Another reason to hate school)

Anyways, too bad I tried but cant complete the dream. Nvm. I'll try to complete it tonight den fucking pass my BTT tml.

Thanks guys for waiting. Lol. I'll bring u back to life in L4d. It'ld be more than just Jon Yx n Mary this time. Lawl.

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