Thursday, May 29, 2008


I'm a volcano waiting to errupt..

I'm a Keat waiting for his hand to come up by itself.


All this pent up fustration is killing me.. just 1 1/2 more years.. just this much time and i'll have my revenge.

Keat. u'll have to help me. I give u a chance to perfect your killing techniques. Trust me. You'll enjoy your punches.

Well. there's just 1 guy to kill. But there will be his friends who'll rush to help him like fairies. (Dont ask me why fairies)


Well. it's 1 guy to beat up. The rest to well.. verbally abuse.

We've got the main character - Mr.K, the man to hit.

And Best supporting Actor: Genghis's decendant.
Best supporting Actress: Swell Chest, Smoking Lesbian, Scrawny

Of course we must not forget the main cast:

Ms. WHY ARE YOU HERE a.k.a blur whatever.
Ms. Fuckin Hypocrite <- I reckon if she was a guy I'll put her as a Character to hit.

And there we have it. The wonderful cast of "The Clique"


I'm glad I didnt go sch today anyways. Tuesday was a horror with Mr.K. that emo bitch. And then I had to team with Genghis's decendant n Smokin lesbian. Omg. the horror. Smokin lesbian wasn't so bad. Genghis's decendant was ok. Too bad they're allies of Mr.K.

gosh... "Eh." the bastard speaks as he strolls in at 1.47p.m "Don't want do together meh?"

LIKE WTF. u dissapear on the dot, reappear when u'r not needed.
You leech off people's work. OH MY GOSH.
Let u choose. U dont want. Other people choose. U not happy. Come in late. U say lets do together. And overwrite hard work with evidence and exchange it for useless general knowledge. You have disagreeing terms with the team. okay the team's your side anyway.

Dam. One day.. you'll get it. my hand'll come up automatically. So dam naturally it'll enlarge your already huge nose. I've got a big one. YOu've got an insane one. Pity it isnt as flawless as mine since yours is plagued with a virus of volcanic craters. serves you right.

Dam. I can write all day.... HAHA.

Back to the point. I'm glad I didnt go to school today because if I did, I would have been in the same grp as him and swell chest and ms. gorilla man. HAHA. HENG SIA.

Tada. I shall never blog abt my personal life. it's too personal =D just my rants and insults.

Love this blog. It's just like poking holes into the volcano for the lava to flow out, releasing the pressure on the volcano and buying more time before it errupts.

and i'm starting to feel like a girl. bitching all day. but i dont care. no one reads this blog besides the selected few i told. which is like 4 people only? HAHAHA.


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