Thursday, May 7, 2009

this blog is dead. LOL. i dont have anything to post. lala

Thursday, March 19, 2009

someone get me a driving instructor.

i passed my FTT woots. studying for FTT is a NO NO. u dont need to study to pass.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I had a fucked up dream.

I dreamt that my cousins had an incest relationship.

How fucked up can that be. LOL.

The dream was censored though I didn't see anything wrong. Lets just say it looks like a sex scene in a movie where they look like they're doing it for real but you just can't see any proper action.

Damn.. I've got a fucked up brain.

Friday, February 27, 2009


It was a special day.

The game was a special game.

I felt that everyone did a very good job in whatever they were supposed to do.

Before the game everyone was pretty nervous since they said that the people we were supposed to be playing against were like "pros".

Still, apparently we were more pro.

I made stupid mistakes like startling the witch 2x for stupid reasons.

The first was I pressed the wrong button. Wanted to melee but clicked fire. Woots.

The second I had no idea why because I was just running past. Well I was the black man so I should have been properly hidden since the background was rather dark too. Dam witch.

Lets see. Bloodharvest they played with 3 people. 1 person handicap they say. "Still can win" LOL. WTF WIN MY ASS BITCH. IT WAS A TOTAL TRASHING. HAHAHA. LIKE OMGWTFBBQ HAHAHAHHAHA.

WTF THE SCORE! 3000++ vs. 500-800++ that was more than 3x better woots.

like holyshit i'm super happy right now. expect a super hard game and end up the game fucking easy. THey even cheated for faster and more spawns but wtf? got use? OH NO. we still win. EVERY SINGLE MAP WE WIN.


Thursday, February 26, 2009


Friday, February 20, 2009

Right. I had a dream - not L4D but a rather strange one nevertheless.

In the dream, some distant relative whom I had never heard of died, leaving me with his fortune of 1Billion. I was rich =)

Well in the dream first off I gave away 500k each to my friends. Don't know why I was so generous but hey, it's a 1 billion inheritance. Well I invested 100million, saved 500million for later use.

Since I was a really rich fuck after school and NS I decided to go overseas for my studies. Well I think I'm crazy cause a rich fuck is supposed to enjoy life. Well the strange thing was that, the dream ended when the plane I was on the way to Australia crashed.

Lol.. what a dream. I think I'm going retarded. Someone help. =(

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Continuation of L4D dream

Well I suppose I have some super powers. My efforts of:

1. Playing L4D before I sleep
2. Thinking about L4d before I sleep
3. Wanting to continuing my dream

have finally been effective. I've continued the L4D dream woots!

Okay. To start it off, I'll say that in my dream, sorry weichoy. We all decided not to pick you up because you were too far. Bishan's a headache you know. Hong, we'll avenge your cowardly death even though it might not be that worth it. Even Keat was fighting barehanded and you had to jump to your death. Fredrick, Zac and Big Jon. You fools had to pick that good day to go to Suntec.

Back to the dream. So after we picked up everyone, we went to the army camp near TMS. That armoured unit or something. We broke in and kinda ransacked the whole place. Well OMGWTFBBQ a tank came and smashed our bus. On the spot CS and Keat got incapacitated cause Keat was alrdy injured and CS was just plain unlucky that Keat fell on him and pinned him down. The rest of us did try to fight of the bloody tank but thanks to dunno who, that person shot a boomer and then BOOM. Hordes came and blah blah they started swarming us. YX went mad and was shouting something about GY ma. I got screwed by hordes cause Mary abandoned me to save Jon. Bryan was shouting "Ahloha the boomer exploded" and running around. Dont ask me why Bryan was like that because I have no idea why my dream's this retarded also. 2 other people we picked up on the way died after tank threw a rock on them. Bless their poor souls. Well to skip the drama part. All of us got incapacitated and I tot we were doomed.

Surprise surprise!! Bryan saved the day. He got his fat ass into a real tank and started gunning away the fuckin zombies. Woots. I don't even know how he managed to move the tank. Anyways it became a 1v1 fight between the 2 tanks and of course Bryan won. So Bryan saved the day! Hurray. We went on searching the army camp and found some government secret weapon. Lightsabers LOL. But there were only 3 so it was YX Keat and Me who got the lightsabers. Jon didn't want a sword, CS decided that guns were more fun. We decided not to let bryan have a lightsaber cause in the dream he was abit mad. We also picked up a couple of bazookas (holy shit yes I know bazookas pawn) and stole a 3 humvees. Woots. There was 7 of us, it was 2 to a humvee exept the last one. Yx and Cs and Bryan, Jon and Mary, Me and Keat. Bryan was taking care of our ammo and he was the bazooka man in case something happened. For my humvee Keat was on the machine gun cause he wanted to kill (that fucking beng) and then I cant remember about the other 2 humvees.

Okay, next we also decided to head to tekong cause apparently it was an outpost which was supposedly safe (heard it on the radio) Okay now the cool thing was when we reached pasir ris, Holy shit we heard over the fuckin radio that the outpost was under attack. Awesome shit was that they had 2 new infected. The witch queen and a super tank. I don't know about the queen but they were shouting over that she was fucking imba. The super tank was some kind of hybrid. Apparently that fucker before he became infected was a smoker (Smoker), a bodybuilder (Tank), a very sports person (Hunter) and basically also fat. That's why he was like everything. Damn. Think about it. The speed of a hunter, den from far it can smoke you, it's super strong like a tank and it can vomit on you. Kanina... comfirm die already la the next time I dream unless we suddenly find a gundam. Okay since it's a dream maybe i'll try to dream it like that.

Lol. Gundam SG: Left 4 Dead. Cool anime siaaaaa. hahhahahahahhaha.

Anyways. mary i hope you get well soon and don't turn into an infected. Keat i'll try to bring in a gundam for you.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today is composition day. LOL.

Ok, so I had the continuation of my L4D dream again finally after much hard work of trying to lucid dream.

This time, it was still Me Jon YX and Mary sad to say. However, that was only at the start. We broke into some police station and found some guns there. I have no idea why there were guns in a police station anyways. Unlike L4D where u fucking carry only 1 gun, we had dual pistols at the side, a 2 shotguns slung behind and each of us carried 1 shotgun. Talk about firepower. LOL.

Well basically we were screwed since SG became almost totally kaboomed by the infected. We tried calling the rest of the guys but somehow the phones didn't work. So we decided to try our luck and run around. YX was our driver lol. we stole an SBS bus from the interchange and just drive and drive. Den we arrived at cs's house and when we cleared our way up. WOOTS! His house was a safehouse! HAHA. NExt stage had CS joining us. So now we had uh 5 people. We went to Hong's house next but that fool commited suicide just as we arrived. Jumped down his flat. Reached bryan's house and found him still reading manga and watching anime. WTF right? The whole of SG being fucked up by infected and Bryan's still reading manga and watching anime. Well I don't know how he was still alive but we got him and our SBS journey continued to Keat's house. Guess what? Keat was there fighting infected with his fucking karate. LOL. Some fucking punching and kicking. He almost went mad alrdy cause Fifi had been killed by a smoker. He didn't have a gun so he couldn't save her.

Well my dream ended something like that anyways. Not too much action but it was pretty fun if u were the one dreaming it. Imagine having an SBS bus full of ammo. Den you're smashing through infected and trying to gather your friends 1 by 1. I love this kinda of shit. Well I'll post the dream again once I've managed to dream about it again.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Tomorrow's BTT AGAIN.

Somehow, I know that I basically know everything and I did keat's 300qns like 3x alrdy that I can almost memorise the answers. Still, there's this naggin feeling that I'ld fail it again.

Holy shit. This is really bad. I've never felt so not confident of something I'm supposed to be confident in. Well I suppose this is not like canoeing where I know I shouldn'd win but I win. Now it's the opposite. LOL. I know I should pass but I'm freaking gonna fail. God help me.

Anyways. I had this dream on Mon. Almost got me late for school.

The dream was fucking cool anyways. It was L4D Singapore. LOL. Okay basically the dream started with the infection. People dropping dead here and there. Anyways it started in Woodlands and Tuas area, blame the Malaysians. Den we were like safe in the east for awhile. Until one day fucking hell. I was in the lift den I realised my block tio infected already, luckily only abit. Den this infected got into my lift to cut the story short. I killed him and ran into my house. FUCK, den there was this hunter camping me and I almost died. Luckily I got into my house. Den I duno what happen the dream fast forward until I was at TM with Jon Yx n Mary and I fucking woke up. Anyways the dream was cool cause besides the weapons there was like fire extinguisher. Sprayed right in the fucking boomer's mouth before I woke up to go to schoo. (Another reason to hate school)

Anyways, too bad I tried but cant complete the dream. Nvm. I'll try to complete it tonight den fucking pass my BTT tml.

Thanks guys for waiting. Lol. I'll bring u back to life in L4d. It'ld be more than just Jon Yx n Mary this time. Lawl.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Chinese New Year has been rather interesting this year.

Firstly despite the bad economy, I felt that I did receive quite a bit of cash. (I would not say how much in case someone reads this and decides to steal it from me.)

What was surprising is that my 3rd aunt didn't give me as much as she would normally give. She normally gives the guys more and well, this year she gave me the same amount as my sister. Either she gave the wrong hongbao, or she's treating me like a girl now. Damn. Then at my AhGong's house, holy shit. I finally realised what cheapskates they all were.

This year, Dad's side gave like $20/ packet while Mum's side gave $4/ packet. Horrible! Don't they know what's $4 in chinese?

Well the main thing was that I believe that since they gave me $4 and I had like 10 packets of $4. It was like DIE x10. LOL. No wonder this year was a bad year for gambling. Damn the retarded feng shui asshole who said that it's a Fa Cai year for Snakes. (He did say it's more prominent in the 2nd half of the year but losing $50 is not ideal for a fa cai year)

Okay. Well that was the First day anyway. The second day was much better. The people whom I don't really know but are some how related to me gave $10/packet instead of the usual $6-$8. Bless them in this time of horrible money problems. Oh, I'm glad I decided to go also cause the pretty girl cousin twice removed or whatever spent time talking to me. HAHA. She was so cute. She's like older than me and working now. Awesome shit was I never knew she was from TMS. I think she's 22 or 23. Cant remember since it wasn't that important. Anyways, I go there every Chu 2 for as long as I remembered and this was the first time she talked to me. Cool.

Chu 3 was stupid. Spent the whole day doing stupid research for my stupid project. Shit heads at school.

So. Chu 4 was normal. Caught InkHeart, not a bad film. Not a good one either. Was just normal to waste time away. What was really interesting was this retarded girl who had this wierd laughter in the theater. Holy shit. Every funny part in the show, U'll hear her laughter. It was kind of like Bryan's laughter - just louder, higher pitched and more husky. That's why it's wierd. High-pitched husky laughter. HAHA.

Well after that was to my Year1 Sem1 classmates's house. Total of uh.. 7 of us were there. Yes we gambled and I fucking lost money again. I think I lost around say.. $4+ ? bad luck Considering I was betting peanuts like 20cents. After that was Yu Sheng. Fun shit. Me SP and WX all try snatch the raw salmon. I ate like 8 pieces though. Oh.. We decided to have a raw salmon yusheng. LOL. Just raw salmon den we'ld have wasabi sauce and the cracker thing. Good Shit. HAHA.

Left the place around 11 and I travelled all the way back to Pasir Ris from Boon Lay. Yes Boon Lay Holy Shit What The Fuck BBQ. HAHA. One end to the other end. Journey didn't really last that long since I was training Sephiroth. I just can't win Sephiroth and Tidus.

Sam Chong. U are a fool to have ur save file deleted. I will laugh at u personally the next time I see u.

Sake Tomorrow with my mum and 2 other people I haven't seen in a long time. I think I'll blog about it tomorrow. It will be a story telling post next. Lol.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

okay it's been a long long time since i've last bloged. Well.. i have this bad feeling that nothing is ever going well ehough for me. like holy shit. tell me about it.

i've been flunking test i've got in school and i've flunked my fucking btt even though i aced the fuckin e-trials. damnit

i think i'm going through a keat patch in life. now i know what it's like to be keat. hahahahahhaha.

no offence keat. but u say urself tht ur life's fucked up. mine's pretty hit a fuck spot right now and woots! for a pure clean world.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

guys... i failed my BTT



ahahaha.. seriously. something is wrong with me..

E-trial i can pass both papers.. i duno why actual one i cant. this is like bad la. now i need to waste $6 to take again. hahaha. i think the next time i will fail also

oh wells. if i fail, it's time to be different. i'm gona be a pilot. and all you fools listen. u laugh.. later next time i'll be the one piloting your damn plane to another country. HAHAHAH CRASH THE FUCKIN PLANE DEN U KNOW! hahahahahhaha.