Tuesday, July 29, 2008


i almost beat up indian. not that im racist or anything..

that mother fucker. took my psp go hide.

HE FUCKING THOUGHT TOOK HIS MP3 when it was someone else...

i duno wtf his iq. i tell him not me already. he dont want believe. I WASNT EVEN IN CLASS WHEN IT TOOK PLACE. i went out of class earlier than him, came back to class after him. LOL IDIOT SIA. what a fucking stupid pig. i never see someone who suspected another person of something when it's OBVIOUSLY NOT that person.

duno why someone as stupid as him who cannot see logical things can get A's in class. maybe cause he bullshit too much. bullshit until cannot think properly, everything which comes out is bullshit. wait.. in the first place. HE ONLY TALKS BULLSHIT.

that conceited bastard.. always give that guai lan face.. wahpiang eh. anyways. i take back everything from my first few posts abt mr.N.. HAHA. i realised that.. opinions can change.. maybe the ahbeng in me accepts him... (everyone has an ahbeng/ahlian in them)..

Monday, July 28, 2008


i lost $80 to someone in the house..

日防夜防 家贼难防


$80 lehhh....

there goes the b'day surprise i wanted to give karen. sian..
i duno if i go thru with the plan, i'll be able to survive anot.. later not enough money wah sian.

altogether i need at least $120 for her b'day surprise
$80 for some RL perfume ohmy.. and $20++ for that DIY bear at suntec. heh..


someone save me.

somehow. i bet it was my sister who stole the money. LIKE WHO ElSE!

my grandma doesnt need cash
my mum n dad works

so it leaves my sister who has a history of stealing from me, mummy n granny. SO I HAVE THIS FEELING IT'S HER..

bt it's been a long time so she probably got better. harder to catch her. but then again.. she has a sudden increase of posessions. like a new bag which she said she bought for $20. mum didnt mention giving her any money. i doubt she saved. she's such a spend trift. always wanting stuffs other ppl have. yes. she's the typical materialistic type of bitch.. i kinda hate her but ARGH.. i want my money back. it's supposed to be used to make my baby happy!!! WAHLAO FUCK IT LA!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



oh my 天!!!

it's super nice.

the whole story just flows so smoothly that you really cannot pick out something flawed from the show. everything seems just so totally real.

especially 2-face's fugly face.. DAM IT HAD ME TURNED ON HAHAHAHAHA.. shit. his face was like.. ugh. real? haha.. that hole in his mouth even leaked booze! shit. this is a true masterpiece..

just when u thought the movie was gonna end, surprise surprise. joker continues it.
that fucker steals the show with his crankyness.. lol.

dam i love the show. it's been awhile since i really enjoyed a show. there was totally nothing to pick on. the action scene was shiok to the max! ahhhh. i just love batman.. <3

Monday, July 21, 2008

long time.. out with everything

it's been a long time since i've last blogged. i'm going to let it all out...

keat says that i have regrets. well who doesn't

isn't life itself regretful?

it's about being sorry for something.. i'm sorry for lots of things..

i've made huge mistakes..

are we supposed to hold on to regrets or are we supposed to throw them away and forget them?
if we hold on to regrets, wouldn't we be sad people?
but.. if we throw regrets away, we won't have anything to remember, we wont have anything to remind us, not to make the same mistakes..

am i wrong to say that life's full of sadness?

well.. life is full of happiness too.. but happiness is always accompanied with sadness. life's not a bed of roses.. i dont understand why cause roses have thorns.and they should hurt. the person who came up with this.. obviously is a sadistic deluded maniac! there. point proven. life is sad...

we have regrets to make us stronger.. sad yes, but stronger. they help us. they keep us going. they give us hope for a better tomorrow.. and all we've got to do.. is just to believe..

do your best. and try. nothing ventured nothing gained. by doing something, it's a 50-50, by doing nothing.. it's a total failure.... that.. is regret...

guys who hit girls..

there are guys who hit girls.
there are girls who hit guys.

basically. it's the same thing.

lets talk abt the 2nd thing first. for the guys who get hit.. too bad.. u got wussed..

now we talk abt the important one. guys hitting girls

this is not about gender discrimination. it's not about girls being the weaker sex blah blah.. this is about PRIDE.

for the guys who hit girls.. you are throwing the guy's pride down the drain.

you have absolutely no idea what is a gentleman.

i dont understand guys who hit girls.. thats plain bullying. thats abuse.

why would you want to hit girls. whats worse is that you are in a relationship with one.

guys and girls... they are made. to love each other, to care for each other, to help each other.
what you hitting fuckers are doing.. is screwing up the balance, hurting people, scarring them.

i simply don't understand.. what you people think.....

time... what power..

I've realised.. life is just pain in disguise.. i think that the world does not seem so beautiful as before, when i was a child.. when did the world change? i wonder. or is it me who has changed? i doubt so. I guess it's just the life i hadn't seen, when i was just a little baby... there's so many things going on around here, so many things we can't control. is it fate that we have to go through bad times before it's good? or is it just our own fault. I'm not emo, i'm not sad. i'm just feeling unfair..

there are times, when i wish i could turn back time.i know it isnt possible, i know it's impossible.but why do i wish? because i reject.i reject whatever is placed before me.how could things have turned out,if i took a different path, how could things have changed, if i were wiser.what would have happened, if i decided not to do this, what would happen, it time could turn back.like i said earlier. this is not an emo post.I'm not emo, i'm not sad. i'm just feeling unfair..

what happens, if someone told you he loves you? what happens, if you had a bad past..would it affect you? would it change you?what happens if life sucked before but was great now, did you regret? did you hope to turn back time?but then again, how sure that if u turn back time to make a mistake right, your future will be what you want it to be?there could be other mistakes,the mistakes could be worse.thats why life's pretty much screwed, really.. i'm not lying.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

For Keat

this is for you keat..

stay strong!

i'll be your friend and stand by you.

i'll be your support and not leave when you down.

i know i sound gay but thats what "miesters" are for..

when the needs comes, just stay the word.. and "Armed Intervene Commencing"

i'll be there - to support u all the way.

be strong..... =D


I was watching the channel 8 1030 news... and there was this news about this study on why people get married late, have kids late, have less kids.. well.. i dont even know why they bothered conducting the study.. isnt the answer so OBVIOUS!

First - Studies..
comeon.. by the time the guys finish studying they'll be what? 25? 26? who knows.. maybe even 27 or 28 ..depending on whether from poly or jc.. after ns and uni.. we'll be like OLD. besides. the stress from studying kills sperm. >
Next - WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GONNA GET THE MONEY FROM! wahlao.. come out from school.. must go job hunting.. and then we find a job and earn that miserly pay.. how to 养 the family?

Next again - TIME
wahlao.. the time limit.. u earn money u save money u work u pai tuo.... i think need like what? 2 or 3 yrs if u wanna be SURE that the other person's the one for u? well my parents dated 6yrs b4 getting married.. my friends parents dated 3yrs and got divorced.. so i figured time's freakin important? by the end of this paragraph, you are already what? 28 29? WTF.. i think i'll probably be 32 when im stable.. WOW isnt that OLD!

So who to blame but society for the OLD marriages and OLD mummy and daddies.. we have too much to work for before we can start a family.. we need the money, we need the security.. we cant get them till we're almost or over 30.. THATS WHY.... =(

A side story...

WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR FREAKIN KID.. you'll be 30! WOW.. GRATS! ur an old man. so that means.. when ur kid's 7.. ur 37. not bad.. primary sch..

when your kid's 13.. you're 43.. cool..
when your kid's 16.. you're 46.. thats still not bad..
now.. when your kid's 25 and ready to give u money.. HELL YOU ARE ALREADY 55.. almost to retirement age..

now.. your kid is 30 and a proud dad/mum.. (hopefully) YOU ARE 60!! YAY!
well. that doesn't sound so bad right? but when your grandkiddy is 30.. darn it! you're DEAD.

lol.. i just love peeking into the future...

Monday, July 14, 2008


I'm in love with karen. hahahha.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I just realised that I have no real friends in RP.

Thinking back.. all the friends i have in school are the kind where u just know them? the hi,bye kind of friend. im not really close to any of them, i dont share anything i have with them and i dont even go out with them. i suppose the "friends" i have in there will sooner or later disappear.

From first sem - i made the best friends i have because i felt part of the class. my first sem class is by far the best. we have had gatherings and outings together. although i dont really talk to them now, i still feel that they are the closest friends i have in rp. not that close but the closest.

From 2nd sem - that was alittle screwed. the friends i had were the guys only. maybe a few girls here n there. why? cause the guys were all gamers so we just hung around and played games here n there and talk kok and discriminate the fat ass together. i dont really even talk to them now. only 1 or 2 here n there occationally about games and such.

For year2 - this is most screwed. hell i know less than half the class properly.i just dont fit in with them.the whole lot of smokers lol. i dont belong in the class i feel. the place is just not for me.no common interest whatsoeverr. i dont even have 10 people's msn contact in this class LOL. so screw the bonding and love for the class. HAHAHA.

Well as you can read. my life in RP's pretty much screwed without friends. lol... so where are my friends? fuck. they're in TP. lol.

sometimes i just really regret going RP and being far far away from the guys.. o wells. at least i met my gf in RP? thats the only thing i enjoy in RP. hahas. my darling. =D