Monday, July 21, 2008

long time.. out with everything

it's been a long time since i've last blogged. i'm going to let it all out...

keat says that i have regrets. well who doesn't

isn't life itself regretful?

it's about being sorry for something.. i'm sorry for lots of things..

i've made huge mistakes..

are we supposed to hold on to regrets or are we supposed to throw them away and forget them?
if we hold on to regrets, wouldn't we be sad people?
but.. if we throw regrets away, we won't have anything to remember, we wont have anything to remind us, not to make the same mistakes..

am i wrong to say that life's full of sadness?

well.. life is full of happiness too.. but happiness is always accompanied with sadness. life's not a bed of roses.. i dont understand why cause roses have thorns.and they should hurt. the person who came up with this.. obviously is a sadistic deluded maniac! there. point proven. life is sad...

we have regrets to make us stronger.. sad yes, but stronger. they help us. they keep us going. they give us hope for a better tomorrow.. and all we've got to do.. is just to believe..

do your best. and try. nothing ventured nothing gained. by doing something, it's a 50-50, by doing nothing.. it's a total failure.... that.. is regret...

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