Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I was watching the channel 8 1030 news... and there was this news about this study on why people get married late, have kids late, have less kids.. well.. i dont even know why they bothered conducting the study.. isnt the answer so OBVIOUS!

First - Studies..
comeon.. by the time the guys finish studying they'll be what? 25? 26? who knows.. maybe even 27 or 28 ..depending on whether from poly or jc.. after ns and uni.. we'll be like OLD. besides. the stress from studying kills sperm. >
Next - WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GONNA GET THE MONEY FROM! wahlao.. come out from school.. must go job hunting.. and then we find a job and earn that miserly pay.. how to 养 the family?

Next again - TIME
wahlao.. the time limit.. u earn money u save money u work u pai tuo.... i think need like what? 2 or 3 yrs if u wanna be SURE that the other person's the one for u? well my parents dated 6yrs b4 getting married.. my friends parents dated 3yrs and got divorced.. so i figured time's freakin important? by the end of this paragraph, you are already what? 28 29? WTF.. i think i'll probably be 32 when im stable.. WOW isnt that OLD!

So who to blame but society for the OLD marriages and OLD mummy and daddies.. we have too much to work for before we can start a family.. we need the money, we need the security.. we cant get them till we're almost or over 30.. THATS WHY.... =(

A side story...

WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR FREAKIN KID.. you'll be 30! WOW.. GRATS! ur an old man. so that means.. when ur kid's 7.. ur 37. not bad.. primary sch..

when your kid's 13.. you're 43.. cool..
when your kid's 16.. you're 46.. thats still not bad..
now.. when your kid's 25 and ready to give u money.. HELL YOU ARE ALREADY 55.. almost to retirement age..

now.. your kid is 30 and a proud dad/mum.. (hopefully) YOU ARE 60!! YAY!
well. that doesn't sound so bad right? but when your grandkiddy is 30.. darn it! you're DEAD.

lol.. i just love peeking into the future...

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